Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It's so great having a handyman around. When I was growing up I had one of those dads that could fix anything....I mean ANYTHING! I always admired that about him, and really hoped that when I had a household of my own - there would be a handyman living there. I always thought it would be my husband....but it's not. It's Caleb. Check out the pics below:

Helping me nail in some rafia in his bedroom:


Baby Heinz said...

Is he the cutest boy or what?! Oh, how I miss that little man!!

Bankhead Blog said...

Those pics are adorable! Caleb is the cutest! Hope things are going well. Saw your friends just bought a boat...that's awesome. It sounds like you guys are having a blast up there. Love, Sue

Carolyn Joyce said...

what a great handy man!