Sunday, July 6, 2008

Celebrate Freedom

So I'm totally lame and didn't take any pictures at the church's Celebrate Freedom outreach. But I did snap one of Ethan in his 4th of July duds (mommy's little firecreacker):

Celebrate Freedom was awesome though (despite the 104 degree temp). There were tons of concessions stands (shaved ice, cotton candy, watermelon, ice cream, fresh squeezed lemonade.....) all for 25 cents. And a BBQ meal (hamburger, beans & chips) for $1.50. There were a zillion bounce houses, and all the different version of any type of game you could imagine playing in an inflatable. They had a really great fenced off toddler area with mini inflatables and 3 little inflatable pools for the kids to splash in (they even provided swim diapers & sunscreen). There were bands playing live music all day and then a fantastic fireworks show that night. Jon said it was the best one he's ever seen (I took the boys home before they started....Caleb is terrified of fireworks). Several people kept asking "what kind of church would do this for free?" which was great to hear because a lot of the volunteers were able to share about our church and our vision and passion for simply serving the community. It was a really great weekend and I am looking forward to next year!

1 comment:

Matt, Mel, Josh and Caleb said...

sounds like it was an awesome celebration! thanks for sharing :)