Boy, Ethan is growing up fast. He is mastering so many new skills. He's got the army crawl down, will rock like crazy on his hands and knees (seriously the fastest rocking you've ever seen), and will crawl a few steps at a time before giving in to the army crawl again. He likes to sit on the floor between my legs and use my body to pull himself up to standing. He's also mastered the "ma ma" sounds, and will "call" me when he wakes up from his naps, and mimic me when I say it to cute!! I will post some pics soon, I promise.
He's also so big that he now wears the same size diaper as Caleb - who is two and a half!!! what the heck?!?!? Kind of nice to just have to keep one size of diapers on hand though....makes it easy to pack a diaper bag :)
Caleb is very into singing these days. Last night he serenaded us with his own medley of "If you're happy and you know it", "Head, shoulders, knees and toes", and the ABC's - all combined to make one very unique song that Jon and I were required to participate in. I love this age!