Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Micah Reagan

see pics of our newest addition, baby Micah at: a-mama-and-her-boys.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I'm moving to a new blog

Well, I figured since we no longer live in Montana, that "grossinmontana" is not a fitting blog for us anymore. So, I've made a new blog. It's:
that's where I'll be posting about life in Oregon, and I won't be updating this page anymore. Hope to see you over there!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's been a while

So I just realized it's been over 2 months since I've blogged! Good old Facebook has somehow taken the place of my blogging - it's so much easier to add pictures there than on here!

So here's a little update of our lives, for those of you who haven't heard yet. Jon lost his job at our church in Billings, so we decided to move to his home town of McMinnville, Oregon. He is working with his best friend Vaughn - training to be a mortgage banker. He is also working (not for a salary though) at Church on the Hill, as the Pastor of Assimilation. We really like our new church (we've visited there every year for the last 10 years).

I am volunteering at our church in their indoor playland that is open to the public for free. It's like a McDonald's playland but about 5 times the size and has a toddler area as well. It's really great, especially on those rainy days - so about 6 of the 7 days of the week :) I am also starting a women's Bible Study on the book of Esther (using Beth Moore's study) next Tuesday. I am really looking forward to meeting some other ladies in the church. Jon and I are going to a small group kick off meeting on Sunday, and will hopefully start a new group in the next couple of weeks.

The boys seem to be adjusting well. Caleb often talks about how he wants to go back to Montana, but it's usually for a specific things, like Chuck E. Cheese, or Hobby Lobby......he's a funny kid. We love living close to Jon's best friend and family. Vaughn's wife Tracie has been a really good friend and comfort to me in this transition. We've known each other for 10 years, but this is the first time we've ever lived in the same state. So it's really nice to get to spend more than just a vacation with her. Here's a couple recent pics of the boys: